Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I want it all...

I want to learn and dig deeper and deeper into the science of this world
I want to explore this entire planet, see it, savor it and remember it
I want to get to know other species and spend time with them/help them
I want to offer up my help in other countries and other cultures/peace corps/red cross
I want to play music and be able to create the visions I have in my head; be it painting, building, stories
I want to always live in the moment
yet I want to progress

can I do these things?
I believe so much in you
I need to believe in me

so much to live for
such little time

Sunday, May 15, 2011

let me know

I don't know what would make me hate you more
if you really just have no depth
or if you do but didn't care about me at all to use it

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

all that remains

every perspective is skewed by the moments we've held onto
with a lesson learned the gained wisdom can make a decision seem so conscious
with both emotion and logic seeming in check
but the response to progression can be easily backtracked and digressed if overwhelmed with pride of now knowing all

growth should not only invigorate and show progression
it should also remind of all that is still unknown
if anything, it lifts the eyelids to all that is still left to be seen
reemerge a humility and openness in the soul for all that remains to be endured and understood