Thursday, January 13, 2011

A good time

Well I don't sleep well if I'm away from home. But I can't sleep at home these days either. How many mistakes is a liar granted? Just know I feel the sorrow for my deeds. I need to learn boundaries. I need to quit drinking. I'll get a complex again and really start thinking. Disconnect from everyone, but in a good way. All the ones that fall for me that I bring the light of day. Had a great time. And he's great too. But the fun I have with him means nothing when I think about you. I feel so awful for the natural affection I give becuase the truth is they are not set apart. What is monogamy? There can't ever be mutual feelings. Just have fun with me. Please don't ask for more. Cuz I'm giving less than you'll ask for. Pocket Aces are exciting before the flop. But when I deal a card that gives the other guy a flush, well baby it's tough luck. And you'll keep calling even though you know he's beaten you. You'll lose all your chips and have to save up to start anew. But I'm the didn't you know better?